Director Library , Research and innovation Division
The Bukura Agricultural College Act of 1999 mandates the College to provide directly or in collaboration with other institutions of higher learning; facilities for education in Agriculture and other ancillary subjects through the integration of teaching, research and effective application of extension services.
To strengthen the Research mandate, the College reviewed its Human Resource instruments which established a Directorate of Library, Research and Innovation. The Division is headed by a Director whose aim is to ensure proper management of library services, planning and coordinating research within the College, and promoting innovation through Collaboration and partnership.
The College has continued to incrementally allocate funds for research, innovation and extension activities to meet local and international expectations.
The establishment of a Biotechnology lab in the College was a result of winning a proposal through the National Research Fund (NRF).
The College has since been disbursing funds for competitive research in diverse priority areas. Dissemination of research findings will continue to be done through internal and external forums and platforms such as workshops, seminars and conferences as well as publication in reputable peer-reviewed journals.
In all these areas, the College will align priority partnerships, research, innovation and extension themes to the “Big 4 Agenda” and the Medium-term III plan of the Government of Kenya.
For focus and effective service delivery, the Directorate has two departments namely; the Library department and the Research Innovation and Collaborations (RIC) Department.