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Benson Orengo

Benson Orengo - Our Alumni

My Journey from Bukura to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

My name is Benson Orengo, I joined Bukura Agricultural College (BAC) in 2019 to pursue a Diploma course in Agribusiness Management and Marketing and graduated in 2023.  My journey of exploring agricultural diversity started back in 2022 before even I graduated. Through the AKI- GIZ, BAC collaboration, I got a chance to undertake internship in Germany. While there, I acquired knowledge and perfected my skills through hands on experience from different enterprises such as Bull fattening, Grapes farming, value addition and many others. Through the internship I gained international experience more so in Agricultural technology and machinery.  

On completion of my internship in Germany, I came back to Kenya and got an opportunity as a farm manager at TIE-LIECH FARM in Migori County from 2022 December to 2023 November. This was the most demanding job that needed my professionalism and skills that I had gained through studies at BAC and through the Germany internship. It’s at this farm that I got a chance to demonstrate my leadership skills that had been nurtured while at BAC as a student leader as well as spiritual leader in Bukura Agricultural College Christian Union (BACCU). These leadership skills inculcated were vital when working as a farm manager.

Currently, I'm working as a Nursery Technician in Botanica Red Sea Farm in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The opportunity has given me a chance not only to gain experience and perfect my skills of professionalism but has also been an eye opener to see agriculture being done in the desert region. I have an opportunity to learn more about Islamic culture and adhere to laws and life lifestyle. 

My advice to young people about agriculture is this, start doing agriculture as early as now you don't need to wait until you get old so that you use agriculture as means of your retirement, use that energy that you have now to make money through agriculture. Agriculture is not a culture; agriculture is a business. 


Bukura Agricultural College grew from the former Bukura Institute in 1974 under the Ministry of Agriculture with the mandate of offering certificate courses in Agriculture. In 1992, the Institute’s status was upgraded from awarding certificate courses to awarding Diploma courses in Agriculture and renamed Bukura Agricultural College (BAC). Following the enactment of the Bukura Agricultural College Act, Cap.348 of 1999, BAC became a state corporation under the then Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. The College is currently operating as a State Corporation under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation.

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Our Mandate is to provide Agricultural Training through the integration of Research and Extension.